The Mentorship was created and designed for one on one support, guidance and empowerment to add to your toolkit of yoga facilitation practices.

Born from an emerging need to foster a greater sense of community and support around new and existing teachers, The Mentorship is based on the philosophy that there is a teacher for everyone. The sessions are tailored to each individuals needs, navigating around the intersections of authentic teaching, lifestyle wellbeing, the business of yoga and energy management all supportively guided for their teaching and aligned personal values as a human and a teacher.

The Mentorship is open to all new and existing qualified yoga teachers. Whether you are feeling somewhat stuck in aspects of your yoga teaching, or looking to refine your own unique skill set, The Mentorship will be truly guided and personalised to support your own needs.
From personal intentions to practical guidance, we will share ideas on how to make your teaching feel more joyful, more easeful and more authentic.

In The Mentorship, some topics we draw upon may include:-

~ How to effectively hold space and attuning to class energy

~ How to authentically theme classes

~ How to weave philosophy throughout class that remain personal yet unite with the true yoga teachings

~ Exploration of teaching methodologies such as applying the ‘why’ to each and every element of your teachings

~ Collaboration, connection and community building

~ How to market yourself mindfully and the business of yoga

~ How to build upon sequencing and sequencing blueprints

~ How to apply self care and practice rituals, self reflection tools and self nourishment rituals through Ayruveda

~ How to apply purposeful and intentional cueing

~ How to create classes that truly connects your heart to your students

~ How to create classes that feel well balanced

~ How to express exactly who you are that aligns with your values and Dharma, what you are wanting to share whilst remaining aligned energetically and physically in your own body


~ A Chemistry Call - an initial Zoom call to tune into your Dharmic path as a teacher and what you would like to achieve out of The Mentorship program to tailor it specifically to your own personal calling

~ 4 week Mentoring Program - weekly or fortnightly catch ups either through Zoom or in person. These will range from 1 - 1.5 hours discussing weekly themes and relevant topics within yoga. The focus points will be on practical, actionable tools for teaching authentically, intentional exploration, critical conversations, self reflection and rituals. (4 sessions in total is recommended, however more may be helpful)

~ Ongoing support - access to ongoing email and whatsapp support throughout the entirety of yourMentorship

~ Other additional resources - you will be offered other additional recourses, tools and opportunities to guide you to keep your yoga teaching journey sustainable, passionate and inspired.


Investment Options

4 week program ~ $550

Single session ~ $160

Attend your class & session post class ~ $220 **$750 for 4 week program

If you are interested in seeing if The Mentorship is right for you, reach out via email or through the contact form below to book your Chemistry Call


what our mentorees are saying:


Ash has a way of mentoring that felt constructive, nurturing, approachable & extremely practical to explore my teaching to a new level. Ash generously passed on useful tools which I know have already helped the way I structure & theme classes, and allowed me to find more depth in my intention. I am so grateful for the incredible support, guidance & attention to detail that Ash provided me with each session & beyond.

Not only do I feel absolutely inspired by Ash, I’m also left with a sense of confidence that I am well equipped with ways to continue my growth as a teacher. Forever grateful.

~ Amelia La Rosa, Melbourne 2020


Having Ash as my mentor to guide me as I was completing my Yoga Teacher Training was an absolute bonus on top of everything else I was learning.

As Ash is very knowledgable & caring, I felt I was going into the right direction into teaching from student to teacher.

Thank you Ash for all your mentoring and kind words.

I highly recommend going through The Mentorship with Ash.

~ Linh Browne, Sydney 2021

Always Pass on what you have learned
— yoda